(Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy)

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TPLO Surgery

Why do patients need Rehabilitation after TPLO (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy) surgery? The stifle is stable! The TPLO has become a common procedure to restore mechanical stability to cruciate-deficient stifles. However, the TPLO does not address all the common sequelae that develop as a result of cruciate disease:

  • Decreased range of motion (ROM) of the stifle and hock
  • Loss of muscle mass and coordination which translates to limited dynamic stability, the ability to control movement during activity and protect the knee from injury
  • Alterations in posture and gait that have developed in response to the instability and pain that were present pre-operatively


TPLO Treatment
We provide prompt and professional surgical care without any additional fees.
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